JOBS | Development
Senior backend engineer (Ruby on Rails)
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Zapfloor is changing the way people manage their offices. We are one of the leading workspace management platforms for coworking spaces and office buildings across Europe. Whether it’s about booking a meeting room, announcing a visitor, or creating an invoice, we build technology to give people what they need, when they need it.

For the people who work with zapfloor, our app represents a flexible new way to work in the office of the future. We manage the full office trajectory, from an empty office with a lead to an invoice sent and paid, and everything in between.

Zapfloor is committed to building a team with thriving team members. We welcome them, support them and launch them into new heights. We love to work with people that work hard, are eager to learn and develop themselves on a technical, professional and personal level.

Our team

A positive mindset

Our team shares an upbeat and positive attitude where every idea is welcome.

We are generous

We empower each other to improve and see opportunities to grow and learn.

Our team has big ideas

The opportunities are in front of us, they’re massive and will require big & bold thinking.

Nothing personal, but...

This is important! You have to live and work in the range of time zone UTC-01:00 and UTC+03:00. Since we already have people working in these time zones, stretching it further would make working together no longer efficient, in our opinion.

What will you be doing?

  • Refactoring and optimising the main APIs, considering bounded contexts, to improve maintainability and reduce risk for change.

  • Developing a comprehensive integration testing framework that simplifies the process of creating and testing integrations with third-party services.

Job requirements

Don't hesitate to apply if you don't fulfil 100% of the requirements. Superheroes don't exist. People with passion and talent do!

Human skills

  • You protect our company values inside and outside the company walls and politely speak out when they are not followed. You embrace diversity, inclusivity and (e)quality.

  • You like working in the startup scene and have a passion for SaaS. You don't mind going the extra mile if needed and managing your own time in a flexible environment.

  • You know where information can be found and actively search for it. You can think for yourself and challenge the information you find. You don't hesitate to ask questions because others know things you don't. You document everything so that everybody can understand what is happening and why.

  • Although you can work independently and efficiently, you like to work in a team environment. You make sure that everybody in your team feels safe to give their opinion, and you value every team member's input. Once a group decision is made, you act as a team member by following the agreed-upon architecture, processes, and coding standards.

  • You do what you promise, and you take ownership of tasks. You always try to go for the best quality possible concerning timing and budget. You understand the why of decisions and suggest improvements when you see an opportunity.

  • You always aim for quality, so you actively and consistently strive to expand your knowledge, both technical and non-technical. You like sharing your knowledge with colleagues and the world through different channels (e.g. blogging, presentations, group discussions). You can give others honest, constructive and actionable feedback. Credit is assigned accurately and generously.

  • You can communicate clearly, taking into account who your audience is. You are always honest, sometimes brutally so, but you are aware of the situation and always stay polite. You know which is the right channel for each message or question.

Technical skills

  • Ruby and Rails have little to no secrets for you.

  • Proper coding architecture is what makes you happy (e.g. MVC, SOLID).

  • You have experience setting up infrastructure (e.g. Heroku, DigitalOcean) and CI/CD pipelines (e.g. GitHub Actions)

  • You have experience building RESTful APIs.

  • You are keen on quality assurance and automatic testing.

  • Version control (e.g. Git) is something you can't do without.

  • Your English must be very good, both oral and written.

Bonus points!

  • You have already been on the front-end side (e.g. React, Vue.js).

  • You understand the difference between agile and agile theater.

  • You’ve worked with Domain Driven Design and bounded contexts.

What the first 90 days look like

  • Get settled with the team. Meet your teammates, attend meetings, and being to learn the platform.

  • Start contributing with bug fixes, code reviews, and pair programming sessions on new functionality.

  • Document a migration plan and collect feedback for reconciling discrepancies in the API design.

  • Begin refactoring the system to increase maintainability and reliability.

What you will be offered

Remuneration in line with industry standards and your experience
Opportunity to work with a highly skilled and experienced technical team
Choose your favourite zapfloor enabled devices
Minimum 26 holidays per year
Team events & Friday drinks (in Antwerp)
Opportunity to attend conferences across the world

The process

Don’t spend time writing a motivation letter, just send us an email with a work achievement that you’re proud of and we’ll plan a call! You can reach us at

Step 1: Meet & Greet (30 minutes)

We’ll start with meeting you and understanding your personal path. We will also ensure your communication skills are up to par and that you are aligned with our goals as a company.

Step 2: Practical exercise (3 hours)

We need to see you walk the walk. We’ll provide you with a fictional, short exercise where you can demonstrate your skills. It should only take a couple hours to complete.

Step 3: Final interview (1 hour)

Here, we’ll discuss the exercise you performed and answer any open questions from either side. We’ll determine if we want to extend an offer.